Apply to college under Ivy league mentors.
When you sign up for our Guided College Application Program, you get connected to a designated team of mentors on your side who will be selected as per your academic requirements.
For the next 3 to 6 months, you will apply to universities under the guidance of multiple mentors who are all experienced with the process and experts in their fields. We take you through each part of your application, step-by-step, and help you get into your dream university. Book a free call through the link below:
Work with superstar mentors.
With Kuhiro Class, you will be guided on your applications under mentors who are alumni of the world's leading institutions. Only trust the best with guidance on your cv, SOPs and application material. When you need a subject-matter expert to talk to not on our roster, we will find one for you. This is the kind of focused care that gets us our exceptional results.
How We Help
Once you book your first call with us, we will use that call to your requirements, your university choices, academic background, and other factors. Your case is then approved for consultation with a range of mentors chosen specifically for your college choices. Please note that we only approve a set number of candidates that come to us each month.
After your first call, we will assign you one free session with a designated mentor after which you are assigned a folder and a case sheet to track your progress. You will be assigned a total of 5-7 colleges to apply to under our guidance as you apply. You will also be provided with a link to support your bookings and subject experts to make sure your application stands out.
An unmatched track record
We have successfully helped students enroll into both undergraduate and graduate programs at Stanford, Cornell, Vanderbilt, Kings College London, UCL, Perdue University, University of Illinois and the University of Warwick. 100% of our students have received admissions to at least one university of their choice. All our students have received individually a minimum of USD 10,000 in aid and a maximum of USD 65,000 in aid totaling over USD 800,000 in aid received across all our applications.
Aanshi Poudel
Guided by Mentor Pradumna Walge, Kuhiro Class supports my research and assists with my college applications. Armed with data from the Nepal Demographic Health Survey 2016, I'm shedding light on the vital relationship between maternal education and child health. They also played a key role in my admission to my dream college with a fullride scholarship.
Yug Jung Karki
Led by the exceptional expertise of my mentors, Kuhiro made a significant impact on my success and admission to Cornell. Thanks to them I received the highest aid of any international applicant in a seperate UK university as well.
Bibeak Reghmi
Kuhiro Class, a fantastic program, where amazing mentors are supporting me throughout. I collected data from farmers in Eastern Chitwan to compare with past records, aiming to identify trends and assess adaptation measures. This captivating topic was sparked by a friend's experience and has driven my curiosity further.
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College Application Program in Numbers
Aid Received by our students in 2023
Years of Average Teaching experience of our mentors
Ivy League mentors from across 12 cities.